The Best Book Cover Designs of 2012

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 by Shaun Hensher 104 Comments

I am so sorry. I know some of you have been waiting for this, but it’s been a nutty time for me. I’ve had to put blogging on the backburner. But excuses are not what you came here for, so without further ado, I present to you the best book covers of 2012.

It was a really strong year for cover design. It took me forever to go through it all and even paring down to these 80 was a real task. I hope you appreciate the effort!

Do you have a favorite? Is there a cover I’m missing that you think belongs in this list? Sound off in the comments (look waaaay down).

As with the 2011 list, I will try to include designer credits where possible. If you want to help me out, please let me know if you can fill in some of the blanks.


Book Review: Creative Stuff

An Activity Book for Visual Thinkers

Posted on: May 2nd, 2012 by Shaun Hensher 27 Comments

Creative Stuff: An Activity Book for Visual ThinkersDesign is hard. The creative mind is a finicky thing. Sometimes you can get in a flow state and it seems like no design problem is a match for your supreme wit. On the other hand, sometimes you just can’t seem to get in the groove and feel like you couldn’t design your way out of a wet paper bag. Hey, it happens to the best of us.

We all have little tricks and ways of jump-starting the creative process, but sometimes what you need is a little guidance.  That’s what a new book by Dave Gouveia and Chris Elkerton offers. Creative Stuff: An Activity Book for Visual Thinkers is stuffed full of activities and exercises designed to help break that mental block.

 The review

Overall, I think the creators of this book have done a pretty good job. Admittedly, there are some pages that seem like filler to me (word games and puzzles that I don’t think help much). That being said though, there are plenty of fun and challenging activities that make up for the fluff. The book itself is well designed, colourful,and playful. There is also an abundance of useful information and interesting trivia.

If you need a little kick in the pants to help get those creative juices flowing, this might be just the thing.

The Best Book Cover Designs of 2011

Posted on: December 19th, 2011 by Shaun Hensher 90 Comments

It’s that time of year again! Time to showcase the best book cover designs of the year. If you missed last year’s list, check it out here: The Best Book Cover Designs of 2010.

Once again, I’ve sorted through thousands of new books to find the gems for you. 2011 has turned out to be a pretty darn good year for book design. The themes of the year seem to be great art, understated typography, the return of white space, and unique materials/binding/packaging.


At the request of my readers, I’ve tried to include the designer credits where possible. If you know who designed any of the unknowns, please drop me a line with the info.
